Sher-Wood Shin Guard Sizing Chart

Hockey requires wearing the right equipment to ensure both performance and safety. Among the essential pieces are shin guards, which protect players from flying pucks, slashing sticks, and falls on the ice. Sherwood, known for its high-quality sporting goods, offers a variety of shin guards designed for optimal protection and comfort. However, choosing the correct size is crucial for maximizing performance and minimizing injury risk. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about Sherwood shin guard sizing, from measuring your leg to selecting the perfect fit.

Importance of Correct Sizing for Hockey Shin Guards

Improperly sized shin guards can significantly impact your game and safety. Shin guards that are too small will restrict movement, limiting agility and flexibility. Conversely, oversized shin guards can be bulky and cumbersome, hindering your speed and balance. Additionally, ill-fitting shin guards can cause discomfort and chafing, leading to distractions and decreased focus during gameplay. Therefore, getting the right size is essential for maximizing your performance, ensuring proper protection, and maintaining comfort on the ice.

Sherwood Shin Guard Size Chart

To fit properly:

  • Determine the level of play.
  • Shinguards are measured best while the player is sitting.
  • Measure from the center of the kneecap to the top of the skate boot.
  • Match the player’s shin size to the inches of shinguard.

Shinguards, which are either too long or too short, will result in the knee or instep being exposed and unprotected. Shinguards should be secured with shinguard straps or tape, never tight hockey stockings.

Senior Sizing

Shin Guard SizeHeight
13in.5'5" - 5'7"
14in.5'7" - 5'11"
15in.5'9" - 6'1"
16in.6'0" - 6'2"
17in.6' 1" - 6'4"

Junior Sizing

Shin Guard SizeHeight
10in.4'3" - 4'8"
11in.4'7" - 5'0"
12in.4'11" - 5'4"

Please Note: These sizing charts are for reference only and may not reflect personal preference.

Step-by-Step Sherwood Elbow Pad Sizing Guide

To ensure a perfect fit, follow these simple steps when measuring for your Sherwood shin guards:

Step 1: Leg Measurement

Measure the length of your leg from the center of your kneecap to the top of your skate.

Step 2: Ankle to Knee Measurement

Measure from the center of your ankle to the bottom of your kneecap, ensuring accuracy for optimal protection.

Step 3: Thigh Measurement

Measure around the widest part of your thigh for a comfortable fit.

Step 4: Calf Measurement

Measure around the widest part of your calf, ensuring a snug yet flexible fit.

Step 5: Player Preference

Consider your play style - if you prefer a more protective or lightweight feel, adjust accordingly.

Step 6: Trial Movements

Flex your knee and ankle to ensure a full range of motion for unrestricted gameplay.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Selecting Shin Guards

Here are common mistakes players make when choosing shin guards, along with tips to avoid them:

Mistake 1: Choosing Based on Age

Avoid the mistake of selecting shin guards solely based on age. Measure your leg accurately for a more customized fit.

Mistake 2: Neglecting Play Style

Overlooking your play style can lead to discomfort on the rink. Consider your preferences for a more tailored selection.

Mistake 3: Neglecting Fit with Other Equipment

Ensure compatibility with other gear. A seamless fit with your skates and knee pads is essential for optimal performance.

Mistake 4: Ignoring Flexibility Needs

Don't underestimate the importance of flexibility. Ensure your shin guards allow for a full range of motion.

Tips for Ensuring the Perfect Sherwood Shin Guard Fit

Here are some additional tips to ensure the perfect Sherwood shin guard fit:

Perform test movements:

While wearing the shin guards, mimic skating motions and other hockey-specific movements to assess mobility and comfort.

Wear game socks during trials:

Always try on shin guards with the same socks you'll wear during games to ensure a proper fit..

Seek guidance:

Consult with experienced sales associates or coaches who can help you find the right fit and answer any questions you may have.

FAQs on Sherwood Shin Guard Sizing Chart & Guide

Can I use my height to determine the correct size for Sherwood Shin Guards?

While height can provide a general guideline, it's recommended to use the specific leg length measurements provided in the sizing chart for a more accurate fit.

What if my measurements fall between two sizes on the Sherwood Shin Guard sizing chart?

In such cases, it's generally advised to choose the larger size for a more comfortable fit. However, personal preference may vary, so consider your playing style and preferences.

Are Sherwood Shin Guards designed differently for juniors and adults?

Yes, Sherwood typically offers different sizing options for junior and adult players. Make sure to select the appropriate category when choosing your shin guards.

Can I cut or trim Sherwood Shin Guards to better fit my legs?

It is not recommended to alter the shin guards, as it may compromise their protective capabilities. Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines for proper use.