Odor Crusher Ozone Gear Station

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OdorCrusher’s Equipment station is intended to both heat and electrify ambient air for the use of drying and reducing odors in skates, boots, or cleats. OdorCrusher's "Ozone Technology" is powered through a standard household AC outlet, running in 30 minute to 3 hour cycle times. Includes height adjustable air pipes.

*Please Note*

Ozone exposure is not recommended for use with equipment containing significant elastic or rubber content.

This device has not been certified or endorsed for safe or effective use as an air purification/cleaning device by any Federal regulatory administration, accredited independent public health organization, or consumer protection organization.

Ozone inhalation can cause chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath, irritation of the throat, and irritation of the eyes.

Ozone exposure can worsen symptoms of chronic upper respiratory illness and reduce the body's ability to fight upper respiratory infections.

Should only be used in well ventilated spaces, away from children, pets, and adults at risk of or diagnosed with a chronic upper respiratory condition.


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